ANVUR ha pubblicato la classificazione delle riviste per la nostra Area 13b
Novembre 4, 2024AIDEA JR 2020-2024
Novembre 13, 2024
Dear EAA members
The EAA Virtual Activities Committee is delighted to invite you to attend the new EAA Junior Virtual Workshop, which will take place on Zoom on December 10th.
This event was conceived in collaboration with the Editors of the PhD Mentoring Initiatives (PMI) and the Chairs of the Doctorial Colloquium (DC), to offer to PhD students who have engaged with these dedicated EAA initiatives, a platform to present their research and gather feedback.
We are glad to announce that we have had 15 submissions, covering four key research areas: financial reporting, sustainability accounting, management accounting and corporate governance. Presentations will run in two parallel sessions, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, with an opportunity for some networking around lunch time. The program is available here and you can register at the event using this link.
Whether you are a senior or junior scholar, we hope you will decide to join the workshop and engage in constructive discussion with the presenters. If you are a PhD student, we hope this initiative will prompt your interest in the EAA PMI and the EAA Doctoral Colloquium which will give you the opportunity to present in this virtual event in the future. Other EAA activities fully dedicated to support the doctoral journey are the PhD Forum (at the EAA Annual Congress) and the International Visiting Scheme.
Looking forward to meeting online soon,
Giovanna Michelon, on behalf of the EAA Virtual Activities Committee